Sleep-related movement disorders

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder. The affected persons feel an urge to move in the legs (mostly in the lower legs). This is often associated with unpleasant sensations.

The complaints occur mainly at rest and especially in the evening or at night and get better with exercise.

The symptoms can occur at any age and are experienced differently from person to person.

Women are more likely to suffer from restless legs than men.

Periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMs)

More than 80% of people with RLS have periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMs). These are repeated and stereotypical movements of the legs during sleep. Most often it is the extension of the toes and feet. Sometimes it is accompanied by a flexion of the knee and hip.

Grinding of teeth (Bruxism)

The grinding or clenching of the teeth often occurs during superficial sleep. This can lead to jaw pain or headache. Due to the wear of the teeth, this disorder is first recognized by dentists. Depending on this, a dental splint may be required.

Children are the most affected. The frequency decreases with age.


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